function input_password(form){ return legacy_filter('input_password', form, 'board', 'procBoardVerificationPassword', filterAlertMessage, ['error','message'], '', {}) };
	var v=xe.getApp('validator')[0];if(!v)return false;
	v.cast("ADD_FILTER", ["input_password", {'document_srl': {required:true},'password': {required:true}}]);
	v.cast('ADD_MESSAGE',['document_srl','Doc. No.']);
	v.cast('ADD_MESSAGE',['mid','Module Name']);
	v.cast('ADD_MESSAGE',['isnull','Please input a value for %s']);
	v.cast('ADD_MESSAGE',['outofrange','Please align the text length of %s']);
	v.cast('ADD_MESSAGE',['equalto','The value of %s is invalid']);
	v.cast('ADD_MESSAGE',['invalid_email','The format of %s is invalid. ex)']);
	v.cast('ADD_MESSAGE',['invalid_userid','The format of %s is invalid.\nAll values should consist of alphabets, numbers or underscore(_) and the first letter should be alphabet']);
	v.cast('ADD_MESSAGE',['invalid_user_id','The format of %s is invalid.\nAll values should consist of alphabets, numbers or underscore(_) and the first letter should be alphabet']);
	v.cast('ADD_MESSAGE',['invalid_homepage','The format of %s is invalid. ex)']);
	v.cast('ADD_MESSAGE',['invalid_korean','The format of %s is invalid. Please input Korean only']);
	v.cast('ADD_MESSAGE',['invalid_korean_number','The format of %s is invalid. Please input Korean or numbers']);
	v.cast('ADD_MESSAGE',['invalid_alpha','The format of %s is invalid. Please input alphabets only']);
	v.cast('ADD_MESSAGE',['invalid_alpha_number','The format of %s is invalid. Please input alphabets or numbers']);
	v.cast('ADD_MESSAGE',['invalid_number','The format of %s is invalid. Please input numbers only']);